2014-2018 PhD in Social Neuroscience at Sorbonne University & École Normale Supérieure Paris, supervised by Julie Grèzes
Graduate Program at École des Neurosciences Paris-Île de-France
2007-2013 Diploma program in Psychology at University of Vienna
Master thesis supervised by Eva-Maria Seidel & Claus Lamm
2011 Exchange semester at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
2003-2007 Conservatory of Vorarlberg, Violoncello, Feldkirch, Austria
Research Experience
2020-now Postdoctoral researcher and project lead at Complexity Science Hub & Medical University in Vienna
2019–2020 Senior researcher and project manager @ Open and Reproducible Research Group at Know-Center - Research Center for Data-Driven Business & Big Data Analytics, Graz
2019 Independent researcher at the Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education - IGDORE
2014-2018 Doctoral researcher at the Laboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience in the team of Julie Grèzes, École Normale Supérieure Paris
2015 - 2017 Co-Supervision of 2 Bachelor and 2 Master student interns during PhD
2015-2016 Teaching assistant at École Normale Supérieure, Master for Cognitive Science (48h) in the courses
Introduction to cognitive science and neuroscience & Improving scientific practices
2021Digital Humanism Project Grant: Emotional Misinformation - The Interplay of Emotion and Misinformation Spreading on Social Media.WWTF, Principal Investigator, Collaborators: Annie Waldherr & David Garcia, Amount 400k€
Scientific Advances, Perspectives in Psychological Science, Scientific Reports, Emotion, The Unjournal, Plos One, Journal of Trial and Error, International Journal of Psychology
International Conference on Web Social Media, Network Science Society Conference, The Web Conference 2021 & 2022
Collaborative assessment of replicability & credibility of social science research at RepliCATS 2020 & 2021
Science outreach:
2021: Emotionen und die Verbreitung von Falschinformationen, Vienna Art Week, talk & panel discussion.
2017: “Neurobiology of relationships”: Organizer and speaker of science communication event at Semaine du Cerveau 2017, Paris (Talk in French)
Event organization:
2021: Conference session on Improving interdisciplinary peer review at SIPS
2019 - 2021: Organizing symposia (No 31, 34, 35) for WISIA (Women in Science)
2015-2016: ENP student representative. Event organization and communication: Scientific seminars, career events and social activities for PhD students
Policy consulting: Member of expert group for life quality and vulnerable subgroups during the COVID-19 pandemic, Think Austria, Future Operations Austria, March-October 2020
2018 Certificate in Business Administration & Project Management, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris (3 weeks).
Memberships and Affiliations
2023 - now Guest researcher at the University of Konstanz
Vice president of Women in Science – an Interdisciplinary Association - WISIA
Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science - SIPS
Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education - IGDORE
Member of the Effective Altruism community Austria, board member in 2022, treasurer 2022-2023: A social movement that uses evidence and reason to do the most good - Effective Altruism Global